Thursday, 10 December 2015

Perspectives on Intelligent system techniques used in Data Mining

IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development | Data Mining 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Poonam Verma

Intelligent Systems, Neural Networks, Data Mining

With the uprising trend of the social media, for marketing purposes and for personal communication, the data mining techniques used in the early decade can no longer handle the data for pattern recognition .It becomes necessity that the data mining techniques become intelligent enough to deal with the volume and variety of the data being searched for recognizing patterns or trends. Thus in this article, I have explored the various neural networks and their techniques being implemented on data to find a particular trend. Various applications of such hybrid intelligent systems have been discussed. Perceptron and it's varieties have been long used for machine learning without the human intervention. Moreover their various features are inspired by the biological strategies endowed by nature on humans to recognize, learn and innovative ideas to solve their problems. Humans have various sensory organs to help them receive their inputs from the surroundings, however it is their brain that helps them to process the large data and get the required data as an output. Neural Networks are based on the Human brain and the nervous system. So we shall explore various intelligent systems of Neural Networks to help in data mining.


The field of the Intelligent Systems has phenomenally increased in the range of techniques and the applications. Intelligent Systems includes a range of techniques that are capable of the data processing capabilities in the real life situations. These intelligent systems techniques are inspired by the biologically strategies that are used in this universe to handle the real life situations. Major categories of the intelligent systems are the Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logics, Genetic algorithms. In most of the data rich environment, these techniques help in optimizing search criteria of different factors. Such techniques are useful in today's scenario as the data has grown exponentially. To recognize pattern from this data using the earlier techniques might not result into optimal results. 


An artificial Neural Network is an information processing model that is basically inspired by the nervous systems of the most important organ of human body that is brain. It consists of a large number of highly interconnected processing system that work together to solve pattern recognition or data classification problems. Human Brain consists of neurons that collect signals from dendrites and sends it to the required neuron with the help of axon, only when the neuron is excited enough to surpass the restraint activity on it. view more